From Africa to Alcolu, South Carolina, My Ancestors' Hands is a story of my ancestry. My journey into learning about my people, their hard work and where we came from.
My Clan is Mclendon/McClendon/MacLennan of Ireland. They also have a large branch in Scotland. For me, I think of Scotland and Ireland Geographically the way I do NY and NJ. That helps me to get a better understanding of how close they are together.
I am researching more details about John W. H. Johnson (the African Lawyer and Teacher). His Wife, Mary Jane Mclendon Johnson (The Irish Teacher which later became a Midwife) is a descendant of Dennis McLendon, the Immigrant from Ireland. I have several DNA matches that confirm this line and our Most Recent Common Ancestors. My aunt told me yesterday that lawyers back then were called Yard Jacks. I have to research that term more.